
Our Mission

Our Mission to cultivate critical thinking – .

problem-solving skills through computer technology ,elevate digital literacy and empower underprivileged children, girls, youths and women in Zimbabwe ( 53% of whom live under the poverty line) with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that will enable them create their own future and compete favorably in this digital age.

Our Vision

We envision communities where young people and women
have ample exposure to computer technology and in turn use it for the betterment of their livelihoods through self job creation

Our Team

Mr Custody Chikambure seeks to establish towards creating sustainable Impact amongst communities and starting from his community Zvishavane in Zimbabwe he hopes to expand throughout the Southern African region and beyond.

Custody Chikambure

Chief Executive Officer ( CEO )

Custody Chikambure is a savvy entrepreneurial achiever who fosters and develops profitable financial schemes. He is an Influential interpersonal communicator, negotiator, and presenter who brings multicultural and trilingual (French-Shona-English) advantages in leveraging cross-functional relationships. Since childhood, Custody has harbored a fascination for stories and their power to inspire social change.


  • Urban

  • Peri Urban

  • Rural





  • Urban

  • Peri-urban

  • Rural areas





  • Urban

  • Peri-urban

  • Rural areas


Educator 1



  • Urban

  • Peri-urban

  • Rural areas


Educator 2



  • Urban

  • Peri-urban

  • Rural areas

Our Background

Computer literacy in today’s evolving technological world is a necessity.

TENCHIG Computer Educational Initiative therefore seeks to rewrite the narrative on the life of most
Life of most youth around the rural and urban communities by empowering them with an Information and Communication Technology(ICT) skill set based on computer operations and packages, and technology centered entrepreneurship using our computer facilities at minimum cost to cover expenses incurred in our operation.
TENCHIG Computer Educational Initiative is a for purpose enterprise that Mr Custody Chikambure seeks to establish towards creating sustainable Impact amongst communities and starting from his community Zvishavane in Zimbabwe he hopes to expand throughout the Southern African region and beyond.
Goal I: Uplift Computer Literacy in Zvishavane by 0.134% as at the beginning of year 2025
Measure: Of the 35761 people in Zvishavane by 2025 we should have educated at least 4800 people in Zvishavane
Strategies: Provision of affordable access to computers and an intense basic computer operations and packages curriculum per fortnight boot camp
Tactic 1: Sign about 5 educators into a contractual service to supervise, mentor and lecture an Average of 40 youths per fortnight on computer operations and packages.
Tactic 2: Provision of 1:1 payable computer operations and packages to Primary and Secondary school teachers across the Zvishavane Town
Tactic 3: Develop a hybrid Zimsec O’level and HEXCO curriculum system for the educational facility branch.
Our Mission to cultivate critical thinking – problem-solving skills through computer technology ,elevate digital literacy and empower underprivileged children, girls, youths and women in Zimbabwe ( 53% of whom live under the poverty line) with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

We envision communities where young people and women have ample exposure to computer technology and in turn use it for the betterment of their livelihoods through self job creation.

Talk to us on our hotlines !

We provide leaners with the tools to operate at the speed of digital space, to innovate and to ignite social change in their respective communities and beyond.

  • +263787171171

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